EDSA 2022

Annual Eurasian Doctoral Summer Academy
(EDSA 2022)

A Summer Academy for Doctoral Researchers within Social Sciences

August 28th – September 4th 

hosted by the University of Gdańsk, Poland 

in partnership with Sopockie Towarzystwo Naukowe (Sopot Scientific Association)

Welcome to EDSA 2022 Doctoral Bootcamp

EDSA in partnership with the University of Gdańsk, Poland, is proud to continue its annual Doctoral Bootcamp for Doctoral students and candidates (Ph.D. and DBA). 

The aim of the bootcamp is to capitalize on the opportunity to make personal connections and form alliances for specific R&D&I collaborative projects, publications, or doctoral education networks. Doctoral students and candidates will have a chance to work with the matching mentors, be advised on their methodologies, communication, and community engagement for the optimizing of their dissertation process and launching their academic careers as valuable contributors to social impact and SDG. The program is broadly structured as follows: download flyer.

The event will take place in Gdańsk, Poland from August 28 to September 4, 2022, with an on-line option available.

I. Eurasian Doctoral Student Academy (EDSA)

Founded in 2015, the ‘Eurasian Doctoral Student Academy’ (EDSA) entails the vision of being a goal-oriented platform used by academicians to further scientific studies. EDSA´s focus is on harmonizing the scientific method towards a ‘Generally Accepted Scientific Method’ (GASM) within the realm of social sciences across various academic cultures around the globe with Eurasia as its departure point. In doing so, EDSA assists Post-Graduate Candidates, Graduate Students, Researchers and Scholars in their work, networking needs, cooperation and research collaboration.

EDSA has its mission in providing a plethora of platforms such as annual gatherings, conferences, symposiums, publishing platforms, networking forums, individual assistance in research, training programs via a cadre of senior international distinguished professors in partnership with universities around the world and academically oriented organizations as its support.

II. Key Features & Benefits of EDSA

EDSA 2022 (held during one week) consists of six (6) working days and one day for cultural exploration and socializing / networking.  

EDSA 2022 explores the latest and well-tested methods and approaches in conducting scientific studies in the context of writing dissertations towards obtaining a Doctoral Degree.  During the weeklong program, the participants receive individual consultations on their respective subjects by distinguished professors as ‘consultants’ on an individual basis, as well as in panels.  In tandem with these ‘Academic Clinics’, lectures, seminars and workshops—in an array of techniques and elements in the scientific method, academic writing and research methodology—are delivered by the visiting professors and experts.

To enhance the participants’ positive experience and maximize the benefits, EDSA 2022 organizes seminars on how to publish in high ranked international journals, alongside with sessions for networking with the view of establishing collaborative research and academic mobility. 

On a successful completion of EDSA 2022 and full attendance, the participants will have gained new knowledge and expertise. 

Who should attend?

EDSA as a platform is suitable for all doctoral researchers (PhD and DBA students), as well as those who are planning to start their Post Graduate studies. It is also suitable for Deans and head of research departments as well as PhD / DBA directors.

III. Opportunities to publish in academic journals

A number of scientific, peer-reviewed international journals have joined EDSA as partners, and offer the participants of EDSA 2022 to publish one paper in a special issue dedicated to EDSA.

IV. Academic Hours

Total academic hours, including self-studies (i.e., preparation time) and panel discussion amount to 26.

V. Academic Credits

Upon attendance of all sessions and active participation/contribution to EDSA, participants will receive a Certificate with three (3) academic credits by university partners.

VI. Certificate

Upon successful completion of EDSA 2022, all participants will be provided with EDSA 2022 Certificate of Completion.

VII. Distinguished Visiting Professors

EDSA invites top scholars and experienced instructors from the Anglo-American research tradition from all over the world. The instructors function as ‘temporary supervisors’; whereby, bringing a different lens in providing feedback to the candidates.  

They are also gateways to international network of academics and other institutions, and they will assist the candidates in their future careers, strengthening the candidates’ network, assisting and supporting the candidates to be able to publish in top tier international journals in their respective fields.

VIII. Additional Links

Message from the Founder and the President

Program Content & Delivery

Tuition Fees & Payment

