Program Outline and Structure

The weeklong program encompasses major elements of methodology and other important aspects of a quality Doctoral dissertation, working methods, pitfalls to be avoided along with many sessions for consultation and forging new partnerships with the view of collaborative research and academic mobility, in turn, enhancing the candidates’ global network. The program also includes cultural events during the evening and an excursion on the final day.  Beside the visiting professors, representatives from a major publishing house will also conduct a seminar on how to publish.

Time for rest and informal socialization is reserved along with frequent coffee breaks.


Day One

Day One



08.45 – 09:15







10:00 – 10:15


Welcome Speech


·       Speech by the rector and president of Varna University of Management – The hosting University.

·       Speech by the rector of Varna University of Management – The hosting University.

·       Introduction of EDSA, its purpose and future plans.

·       Introduction of the University partners.



Speech by Prof. Todor Radev, President of Varna University Management


EDSA’s Managing Director,

Prof. Cameron A. Batmanghlich





10:15 – 10:30


Introduction of the program


·       Introduction of all visiting professors and their backgrounds.

·       General information about the week.

·       Question and Answer session.



Presented by EDSA’s Academic Leads,

Prof. Nelarine Cornelius and Prof. James Wallace








Seminar: Surviving the PhD process & planning.


In this seminar, all the pitfalls in completing a PhD successfully without mental, intellectual and emotional strain generally experienced by Doctoral candidates are discussed.  Among topics covered are: How to handle your relationship with your supervisor, time management, handling feedback from your supervisors, dealing with your administrative work and work-life balance.




All visiting professors

Discuss and share their experiences with the candidates, providing insightful and practical advice.

11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break





11:45 – 13:00


Getting to know each other (using techniques in ‘Design Thinking’).


This session is dedicated to a get-to-know each other in an informal fashion.  Participants introduce themselves, their background, research interests and the topic of their studies in small groups and then each group presents its members.  This session is first of several, matching candidates with each other for the purpose of collaborative research.




All visiting supervisors assist as mentors, administrators and mediators.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch




14:00 – 14:50


Lecture: Conceptual model and consistency of the research proposal.


The lecture explores the linkage between a conceptual model and the entire tenet of a scientific study.  Design of a conceptual framework, its place, its influence and role in data analysis, results and findings.



Prof. James Wallace


15:50 – 16: 10 Coffee Break




16:15 – 17:00


Individual sessions with guest supervisors.


Each candidate meets their assigned ‘Visiting Supervisor’ as their consultant.  Each candidate gives a 15 minutes presentation about his / her work to during the week receive feedback and advice.  The Guest supervisor would have already been sent a copy of the candidate’s work and would be prepared.



All visiting professors.


Each visiting professor has been assigned a candidate matched to their expertise.


17:10 – 18:00


18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Welcome Dinner & Dance Reception


Day Two

Day Two 08.45 – 09:15






10:00 – 11050


Lecture: Scientific Method, Positivism and Interpretivism – and beyond


Prof. Pezet and ………….. will deliver a joint lecture about the scientific method, its origins and development in the western paradigm, contemporary issues and alternative views in conducting qualitative and quantitative studies. The contribution of scientific method to positivism, and alternatives to positivism, including interpretivist and critical approaches will be addressed.



Prof. Eric Pezet

10:50 – 11:15 Coffee Break





11:15 – 12:00


Seminar: Qualitative, Quantitative or Mixed Method


Two reputable scholars, each expert and specialized on Qualitative (Prof. Cornelius) and Quantitative (Prof. Wallace) hold a seminar on comparative research methods highlighting the appropriateness, strengths and weaknesses to finally discuss the mixed method, its use in contemporary studies and variants of the Mixed Method.





Prof. Nelarine Cornelius &

Prof. James Wallace








12:00 – 13:00


Individual sessions with guest supervisors


Each candidate meets their assigned ‘Visiting Supervisor’ as their consultant.  Each candidate gives a 15 minutes presentation about his / her work to during the week receive feedback and advice.  The Guest supervisor would have already been sent a copy of the candidate’s work and would be prepared.


The candidates in agreement with their supervisors can chose to hold this session on beach side cafes at Varna Beach



All visiting supervisors.


Each visiting professor has been assigned a candidate matched to their expertise.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch





14:00 – 15:30


Lecture: Triangulation of different sets of data


This important element when using Mixed Method will be explored by and Dr. Sepehri in a joint lecture on the Triangulation as a technique that facilitates validation of data via cross-verification.  The origins of Triangulation, problems and difficulties of Triangulation will be discussed and advise given. 



Dr. Mehran Sepehri

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break




16:00 – 18:00


Group Debate: Statistical significance; When enough is enough


This exciting session involves all participants and visiting professors with an open floor, where a debate on the statistical significance will take be conducted.  All participants and professors will contribute with their own thoughts, dilemmas and concerns on where to draw the line.




All visiting supervisors

18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner

Day Three

Day Three  

08.45 – 09:15




10:00 – 11:30


Workshop: Critical Academic writing: How to tighten a text.


……………. delivers a workshop in critical academic writing, and how academic texts are ‘tightened’ conveying precise message, without any spillage.  Furthermore, techniques in critical analysis and synthesis of ideas are discussed.



11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break





11:45 – 12:00


Lecture:  Participant Sketches as a research approach

This session will explore the deployment of participant drawings as a research tool in business management. It will discuss the interpretive analysis of visual artefacts, investigate their production, uses and interpretations often termed as `Visual Sociology`. The approach has been common in education and social work research with business management beginning to adopt this data collection method.

Dr David Graham research focuses on the transformational nature of work through emotional and aesthetic labour as economies shift towards the dream society.










Dr. David Graham

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch



14:00 – 15:45


Parallel Panels: Candidates meet their groups and their assigned visiting supervisors to discuss their project


Each candidate meets their assigned ‘Guest Supervisor’ as their consultant in a panel with their peers.  Candidates give a 15 minutes presentation about their work and receives feedback from their peers.


15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break




16:00 – 16:50


Seminar: Using phenomenology as an approach.


One of the characteristic of phenomenology is that social scientists are reluctant to discuss it and give directives, as they deem it to be counterintuitive and inhibiting the effect of phenomenology.  In this seminar Dr. Cichobłaziński explores phenomenology and its appropriate use in qualitative studies. 





Dr. Leszek Cichobłaziński




17:00 – 18:00


Peer Discussion: Candidates meet their peers and explore each other’s views and find ways for research collaboration.


In a more structured setting, candidates with similar research interest are matched and explore way of future collaboration in research, facilitating academic mobility and future partnership for their respective institutions.


18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner


Day Four

Day Four 08.45 – 09:15






10:00 – 10:50


Workshop:  Literature search: Literature reviewing.


In this workshop, covers the best way of conducting literature search and reviewing the literature.  Among other elements, academic tone, objectivity in academic writing will further be discussed and highlighted.


11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break



11:15 – 12:00


Seminar: Publishing in high ranked journals; Avoiding pitfalls.


This seminar is delivered by the Editorial Director Business, Economics & Statistics, Springer; Palgrave Academic Journals with vast experience in academic publishing.



Mr. Nicholas Philipson







12:15 – 13:00

Getting Published

Individual sessions with guest supervisors.


Each candidate meets their assigned ‘Visiting Supervisor’ as their consultant in targeting and getting their papers published in appropriate journals.  Each candidate gives a 15 minutes presentation about his / her work, to during the week receive feedback and advice.  The Guest supervisor would have already been sent a copy of the candidate’s work and would be prepared.


The candidates in agreement with their supervisors can chose to hold this session on beach side cafes at Varna Beach





Individual sessions with guest supervisors.

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch



14:00 – 15:00


Parallel Panels: Candidates meet their groups and their assigned visiting supervisors to discuss their project.


In a second session each candidate meets their assigned ‘Guest Supervisor’ as their consultant in a panel with their peers.  Candidates give a 15 minutes presentation about their work and receives feedback from their peers.


15:00– 15:150 Coffee Break




16:00 – 16:50


Lecture: Writing the final chapter.

Prof. Nelarine Cornelius & Prof. James Wallace cover how to write the final chapter of a Doctoral dissertation, what to cover in the recommendations section, and how to link the findings with and recommendations with the aim and objective of the study.






Prof. Nelarine Cornelius & Prof. James Wallace








17:00 – 17:50


Workshop: Preparing and going through a Viva Voce (Viva).


This important workshop is about the final stage towards obtaining a doctoral degree and be accepted into the scientific community.  Preparing, presenting for the viva, handing the questions posed by examiners can make a huge difference between minor or major corrections of any thesis.  In this workshop, the visiting professors provide tips and advice and run simulations on how to go through a Viva successfully.  Presentation techniques will also be covered.







All Visiting Professors


18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner


Day Five

Day Five 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast


10:00 – 10:45






10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:00  

Preparation time for each candidate before presenting their studies to the entire group.


The candidates are given time for preparing their presentations to the rest of the group, after received advice and recommendations.


The candidates in agreement with their supervisors can chose to hold this session on beach side cafes at Varna Beach

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch


14:00 – 15:30



Candidates present their work and the take-away points during the weeklong academy.


15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:00 – 45:00  


Candidates present their work and the take-away points during the weeklong academy.



17:00 – 18:00  

Supervisors’ report on their respective panel.


All Guest supervisors give a brief report on the highlights of the week, the topic and progress made, recommendations given. Each supervisor recommends one candidate from their respective group.


After voting, the trhee best work are voted for and awarded a scholarship.




18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner & Awarding ceremony

Candidates received their awarded certificates.



Day Six

Day Six 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast


10:00 -18:00



All day excursion (Optional)

18:00 – 19:00 Rest
19:00 – 22:00 Dinner


Day Seven

Day Seven 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast


10:00 – 11:00

